Durchschnittlich sparen Nutzer mit ReadPartner 28 Stunden pro Monat


Top Writer on Medium, AI Enthusiast

ReadPartner is a perfect tool for saving time while doing research. The web browser extension makes it super simple to get the juicy bits out of news articles, Wikipedia pages, and even informative videos or podcasts. It’s just a more efficient way to work.

Kamran Hassan

Digital Creator, AI Enthusiast

ReadPartner AI is fantastic! It saves me tons of time with quick summaries of websites, videos, and documents. Efficient, reliable, and a must-have for boosting productivity! Highly recommend for anyone looking to boost productivity and stay informed effortlessly!

Marissa Bergen

Professional Writer

ReadPartner is an excellent summary platform. It is the tool that I recommend capable of summarizing content in various media including plain text, websites, scanned documents, and YouTube videos. It is a very helpful research tool!

Nao Yukawa

Founder of LifestackAI

ReadPartner helps me read faster, especially since I usually read blogs in my second language. It’s a must!

Maria Mouschoutzi

PhD in Operations Research

So, what is my verdict about ReadPartner AI? Ah, it is really good 👍 It is an extremely useful and versatile AI tool, offering features that can greatly enhance productivity.

Yifan Goh

Startup Founder

I hate reading huge walls of text or watching long videos. Ain’t nobody got time for that. That’s why ReadPartner AI is a game changer. It generates quick summaries of long form content for me!

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